Sunday, November 11, 2012

Borobudur and Prambanan

Borobudur Temple
Borobudur temple is one of the  seven wonders of the world given by UNESCO.  His located in the high plains of Kedu in the province of Central Java ( Magelang ). Kedu Plain is a Javanese sacred place and has been dubbed 'the garden of Java' due to the fertility of its soil. Annually during the full moon in May or June, Buddhists in Indonesia celebrate Vesak the (Waisak), the day commemorating the birth, death and when Siddhārtha Gautama attained the highest wisdom to become the Buddha Shakyamuni, so they celebrate in Borobudur temple. After you finish discover Borobudur, you can go to the temple that no far from there : Prambanan or we always call Lara Jonggrang temple who has around 240 temples around that temple. There is a folk history about this temple: This temples was build by a man ( Bandung Bondowoso ) who want to marry Rara Jonggrang but he must full fill the her request to build 1000 temples before the sun is rise, but honestly Rara Jonggrang doesn't like him

Prambanan Temple
that's why she cheated by asking her people to waking up all the chicken crow to give the sign that it's already morning. But Bandung Bondowoso know it, so he curse her to be the last temple. Now, if we are going to visit this temple, we can watch theater every night and the story is about Ramayana. At 2006, there was an earthquake that hit Java island and he destroyed everything also this temple and Borobudur Temple, that's why the government make an small theater to asking some fund from the people who watching this theater, so they can fix two temple in Java.
Prambanan temple before and after the earthquake
I upload one of the video Ramayana story in Prambanan Temple

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