Saturday, March 2, 2013

Wonderful Bromo Mountain

Bromo is a non active mountain of javanesse who smokes continuously and easy excursion. His located in southwest of Probolinggo. Mount Bromo is a part of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park that covers a massive area of 800 square kilometres. While it may be small when measured against other volcanoes in Indonesia, the magnificent Mt Bromo will not disappoint with its spectacular views and dramatic landscapes. The temperature at Mt Bromo ranges from 3 to 20 degrees Celsius but the temperature may be several degrees below zero during the dry season. What you can do in there is watching the sun rise spectacularly over Mt Bromo is the highlight of any trip here. Visit in the month of Kasada (usually in September-November) and witness the annual Kasada festival where the local Tenggerese come to Bromo to throw offerings of vegetables, chickens and money into the crater of the volcano.


    Dalam rangka Memperkenalkan “Kawasan Tengger-Bromo" dari segala aspek, Kami buka Pondok Tani (Cottage) Tanjung - Tosari untuk umum
    # hub per sms/tlp: *081385458993-081553258296(Dudick).*-*081249244733-085608326673(Elie)*
    # Informasi di Facebook dengan nama : Bromo Tanjung Pondok Pertanian
    * rute: pasuruan-warungdowo-ranggeh-pasrepan-puspo-tanjung KM 95 pos jaga doreng turun.(Tanjung Pondok Tani) -> (Baledono-Tosari)<-
    =Menuju Bromo melalui pintu gerbang: >Pasuruan-Tosari-Wonokitri<
    @.kamar los + 2 km mandi luar, kapst: 9 s/d 16 orang. Rp.350.000,-/malam.
    @.kamar utama + km mandi dalam + perapian, kapst: 4 s/d 6 orang. Rp.250.000,- /malam.
    @ fasilitas:.Kamar mandi air panas,.dapur,.kulkas,.ruang makan,.teras serba guna (4 x 12 m),. halaman api unggun,. tempat parkir unt 6 mobil,. kebun sayur.
